Never did get to working on the proposal. Instead, I worked on my Swedish some more and then crashed into bed.
Yesterday and the day before I was in the Archipelago. I took lots of pictures, which I might upload later on when I send out my first “Jen in
I learned a game called cubb, which I think might end up being the highlight of my week. What happens is there’s six short blocks on each side of the playing field, and in the middle there’s a King. Two teams line up on either side and take turns trying to knock the blocks down by underhand throwing six batons at the blocks to try and get them to fall over. When you’ve gotten all of your other sides blocks over, you go for the king in the middle. Much like pool, if you knock over the king before the end, you loose. There’s various other rules that make the game more amusing and complicated, but still, that’s the gist of it.
We had a lot of fun playing the game, quite possibly because there was nothing else to do on the island except light a fire when it got dark, go swimming in the freezing cold water, go walking around the island (which was rather small), or play cards. There’s only so much walking around the island you can do, and the water was only for the brave or brazen souls, so the rest of us contented ourselves during the daylight hours with cubb and cards.
I got to know a lot of people, the names of which mostly escape me now, but I figure I have a week to cement the names. I’ve found some girls that are a bit more outgoing, and aren’t smokers, who seem nice and are willing to include me in on things. I find that between getting to know all the people on the trip, and not being able to speak Swedish, I’ve gotten quite a bit quieter in the past days. I’m hoping as my mastery of the language gets better and as I meet and know the people in the group better, I can feel comfortable to be myself. But I’m still in the stage where I’m quiet hesitant and am more content to listen and ask questions than to tell my own stories.
It hasn’t quite hit me yet that I’m in
I found out that Gabriel, or Gabe (Gah-beh, emphasis on the second syllable) as he likes to be called, sings in a choir. I’m hoping I can join up with a choir here, and sit in the back happily singing and being mostly anonymous. I feel like that would be something consistent I could get involved in, though there are other opportunities that I want to take advantage of also. Apparently there’s a planning committee for the Nobel Prize after party that the college take turns helping plan.
On another note, I did something stupid. I had my rain jacket and sweatshirt with me when I went to the islands, but I forgot to switch them to the other bags when I briefly stopped back at the apartment before going to here. I didn’t notice it last night, but it’s chilly today and I’m regretting not having any coat with me. I don’t even really have a long sleeve shirt.
I’ll finish later. Anita and I are taking a short walk now outside.